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ETFs global: 69

ETFs stock: 1.611

Total de ETFs en el ranking: 32

*Ranking actualizado a 17.09.2024
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PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF CHF (Hdg) Acc (SWX) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF CHF (Hdg) Acc (SWX)IE00BWC52G65 2.93% (1°) 9.37% (20°) 5.87% (5°) 4.93% (1°) Abrir la ficha
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PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Acc (SWX) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Acc (SWX)IE00BVZ6SQ11 0.63% (25°) 7.63% (31°) 6.60% (1°) 4.69% (2°) Abrir la ficha
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PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Acc (LSE) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Acc (LSE)IE00BVZ6SQ11 0.75% (23°) 7.62% (32°) 6.36% (2°) 4.31% (3°) Abrir la ficha
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PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Income (LSE) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Income (LSE)IE00B7N3YW49 - Distribución de cupón 0.46% (33°) 7.41% (33°) 6.31% (4°) 4.29% (4°) Abrir la ficha
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PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Income (MI) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF USD Income (MI)IE00B7N3YW49 - Distribución de cupón 0.52% (32°) 7.63% (30°) 6.33% (3°) 4.24% (5°) Abrir la ficha
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SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (I) SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (I)IE00B99FL386 - Distribución de cupón 0.91% (17°) 11.03% (5°) 5.27% (10°) 4.01% (6°) Abrir la ficha
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iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (LSE) iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (LSE)IE00BZ17CN18 0.29% (34°) 5.64% (39°) 5.59% (7°) 3.82% (7°) Abrir la ficha
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SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (LSE) SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (LSE)IE00B99FL386 - Distribución de cupón 0.57% (28°) 10.17% (13°) 5.01% (12°) 3.82% (8°) Abrir la ficha
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iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (LSE) iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (LSE)IE00BCRY6003 - Distribución de cupón -0.01% (37°) 5.52% (40°) 5.53% (9°) 3.80% (9°) Abrir la ficha
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10° iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (MI) iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (MI)IE00BCRY6003 - Distribución de cupón 0.28% (35°) 5.83% (37°) 5.66% (6°) 3.80% (10°) Abrir la ficha
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11° iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (ETR) iShares $ Short Dur High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (ETR)IE00BCRY6003 - Distribución de cupón 0.25% (36°) 5.81% (38°) 5.59% (8°) 3.78% (11°) Abrir la ficha
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12° SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (ETR) SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (ETR)IE00B99FL386 - Distribución de cupón 0.59% (27°) 10.31% (10°) 5.01% (13°) 3.77% (12°) Abrir la ficha
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13° SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (MI) SPDR Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG UCITS ETF USD (MI)IE00B99FL386 - Distribución de cupón 0.57% (29°) 10.35% (9°) 5.02% (11°) 3.74% (13°) Abrir la ficha
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14° Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (LSE) Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (LSE)IE00BDR5HM97 - Distribución de cupón 0.83% (20°) 9.02% (23°) 4.17% (18°) 3.56% (14°) Abrir la ficha
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15° Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (MI) Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (MI)IE00BDR5HM97 - Distribución de cupón 0.84% (19°) 9.23% (21°) 4.22% (17°) 3.56% (15°) Abrir la ficha
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16° Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (ETR) Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D (ETR)IE00BDR5HM97 - Distribución de cupón 0.79% (22°) 9.13% (22°) 4.16% (19°) 3.54% (16°) Abrir la ficha
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17° iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (LSE) iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (LSE)IE00B4PY7Y77 - Distribución de cupón 0.75% (24°) 7.92% (27°) 4.25% (16°) 3.43% (17°) Abrir la ficha
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18° iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (LSE) iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (LSE)IE00BYXYYL56 0.79% (21°) 7.92% (28°) 4.26% (15°) 3.38% (18°) Abrir la ficha
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19° iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (MI) iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (MI)IE00B4PY7Y77 - Distribución de cupón 0.84% (18°) 8.06% (26°) 4.28% (14°) 3.37% (19°) Abrir la ficha
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20° Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Dist (MI) Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Dist (MI)LU1435356149 - Distribución de cupón 0.60% (26°) 9.43% (19°) 3.57% (20°) 2.94% (20°) Abrir la ficha
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21° Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (LSE) Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (LSE)IE00BD0Q9673 - Distribución de cupón -0.49% (38°) 5.99% (35°) 1.28% (25°) 2.85% (21°) Abrir la ficha
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22° Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (MI) Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (MI)IE00BD0Q9673 - Distribución de cupón -0.68% (39°) 5.97% (36°) 1.18% (26°) 2.73% (22°) Abrir la ficha
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23° PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) Income (LSE) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) Income (LSE)IE00BF8HV600 - Distribución de cupón 1.57% (10°) 10.23% (11°) 2.32% (22°) 2.55% (23°) Abrir la ficha
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24° PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) Income (MI) PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) Income (MI)IE00BF8HV600 - Distribución de cupón 1.48% (12°) 10.05% (14°) 2.30% (24°) 2.53% (24°) Abrir la ficha
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25° PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) Acc PIMCO US Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF EUR (Hdg) AccIE00BD26N851 1.47% (13°) 10.17% (12°) 2.31% (23°) 2.46% (25°) Abrir la ficha
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26° iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hdg (Dist) (LSE) iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hdg (Dist) (LSE)IE00BF3N7102 - Distribución de cupón 1.75% (7°) 10.36% (8°) -0.06% (28°) 1.45% (26°) Abrir la ficha
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27° iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hdg (Dist) (ETR) iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hdg (Dist) (ETR)IE00BF3N7102 - Distribución de cupón 1.65% (8°) 10.39% (6°) -0.11% (29°) 1.43% (27°) Abrir la ficha
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28° Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (EUR Hdg) (FRA) Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (EUR Hdg) (FRA)IE00BYVTMZ20 2.13% (2°) 9.51% (18°) -2.60% (33°) 1.12% (28°) Abrir la ficha
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29° Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (EUR Hdg) (ETR) Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF (EUR Hdg) (ETR)IE00BYVTMZ20 2.09% (4°) 9.98% (15°) -2.49% (31°) 1.07% (29°) Abrir la ficha
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30° Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Monthly Hdg to EUR Dist (MI) Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Monthly Hdg to EUR Dist (MI)LU1435356495 - Distribución de cupón 1.57% (9°) 11.32% (4°) -0.61% (30°) 1.06% (30°) Abrir la ficha
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